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Veuillez taper le "Part Number" dans le champ ci dessous puis cliquez sur

Avril 2021 -Un seul clic et c'est comme si vous aviez déjà vos pièces: Trouvez vos composants difficiles en 20 secondes .
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MAIL : penuries@penuries.com

Printer-Friendly Version

March 2021 - Website Search engine is on the left colum ( PART SEARCH ) - Search Again function - Lien URL pour une consultation en ligne du stock disponible à Paris - Possibilité d'enlévement de la marchandise le jour même.

Search Again function Lien URL pour une consultation en ligne du stock disponible à Paris - Possibilité d'enlévement de la marchandise le jour même.

If a customer types a part number in the "Part Number" field and clicks 'PART SEARCH',
it returns the result

1) Le moteur de recherches se trouve sur la colonne de gauche , un peu plus bas en descendant sur ce site .
Website Search engine is on the left colum ( PART SEARCH )

2) Tapez le préfixe, la référence compléte ou le terme générique désignant votre composant .
You have to enter the part number or manufacturer or name of the part in the blank field PARTSEARCH

3) Impérativement , cliquez sur le bouton PART SEARCH . La touche "Return" n'est pas prise en compte.
It is compulsory that you click on PART SEARCH button to get your answer

Merci Yves Soussi;

Thank you for the quotes.
Regret you don't have MM57163N.
Bookmarked your site to my resources for future needs.

Your search page still has a small problem:

>dear Sir

>1) Thank you very much for your info - It is our mistake : we hace corrected thanks to >your suggestion

>5) Please telle me if it works

No, it still does not work after the first search:
Search on
left still works, it has always worked.
Your webpage problem occurs AFTER the first search, in the
search results page.
It is confusing to anyone because it looks like it is working, but it is not:

If I search for a part in the left search, it give another page with
Search Results"
If the part is available, it shows it.
If the part is not found, it gives "
Sorry, no matches found."
Here is the part that does not work:

Both times it ALSO gives:

"Search Again: MM5799 AND " [ GO! ]

"Search Again: MM57163N AND " [ GO! ]

And if I continues to use it to search, it gives:

"Search Again: AND " [ GO! ]

[The system puts the "_AND_" in the line, I never typed that!]
(It puts it in there every time).

These search boxes are non-functional!
They do not work whether you erase the "_AND_" or not.
It does not matter what part you put in, it will ALWAYS say
"Sorry, no matches found.".

[Note: the "_AND_" malfunction is NOT the problem, the fact that this search box will find NO parts ever (that you DO have) IS the problem. Although, the mystery "_AND_" may be the cause of the broken search functionality!!!]

The second and further searches in this box do not work either.
The results are "Sorry, no matches found.", no matter what is entered.
I have tried it three ways, put a valid (stocked) number before the
"_AND_", put it after, and removed the "_AND_".
It does
not find the part even if I type a part you have (that it just found in the 'left' search).
If I put the part in the left search box, it still works, always.

'Left' search box works always;
'Search Again' box works never.

Note, both these searches appear on the page after first search is done; the one on the left is always present, and the broken search box is present after any first search is done, and is
right in the view of the customer like this:

'Part not found, Search again??'

So customer is likely to use the broken one because it is right present in his/her view.

I strongly recommend you fix or remove this broken search box as any customer you attract that
does search for more than one part number will receive false results, and will believe you don't have anything they are looking for, and may not pursue contacting you to confirm...

Best regards,
Mr Kim LIndstrom
What is this?:
Are you asking this, or is a customer asking YOU this?
I may have the manual if it is you looking for part number...
If it is you, I may have more information if you can provide me further details...


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